Luminous Arc 3 English Patch


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Luminous Arc 3 English Patch 2018

  • edited October 2011
    I'm up to chapter 6, just under 10 hours clocked in. I spent a fair bit of time training up my levels. In chapter 5 I got my head handed to me by a boss that may or may not be spoilerific. He was level 13, and a team of level 11s was able to handle him, though I was down to two units before I finally took him down. Before the fight against him, and in the previous chapter, I had to fight that white rabbit character some of you may have seen in trailers and promotions of the game. His name in Bonaparte, he works for the Felicia (I don't think he himself is one), he ends his sentences with 'myou,' and his ears pack quite a punch, literally and figuratively. Not only does he attack by punch with his ears, his Flash Drive has him firing lasers from them. O_o He is also surprisingly tough. I still wonder if I've accidentally chose Hard Mode.
    I did recruit one new team remember in the meantime. Her name in Inalunadia, or just Inaluna for short, and she's a princess. Can't speak much for her personality yet. She is either already friends with Heine, or they just clicked really fast. For some reason, she does not get along with Ashely. Her element is light, her class is Ishtar, and her weapon -- is odd (it's something of a Luminous Arc staple to have a number of characters with oddball weapons, though most of the strangest weapon tend to act as staves). It looks like a baton with tassels at one end, but she uses it as a whip. Her main strength is Magic, though.
    I find myself feeling oddly sorry for Heine whenever he gets hit. It might be because I have no idea what's he saying that makes people mad at him. I think his voice strangely cute, too.
    Some random battle things: It looks like the attack spells are the same as in the original. I can't be certain since I can't read the spell names, but they sure looks like the same basic spells. The buffing spells are different, though. There's also a bit more variety to the enemies compared to the second game because of the Felicia. Despite what I originally said, what separates the non-human-like Felicia from regular monsters are several white spots, red jagged lines on the face, and a lack of eyes. The green coloring I noticed on the unicorn monsters is because it's element is wind. I'm also making more use of the ability to use Drive Points (DP) to increase the power of skills/arts more useful in this game than the last one. Though it's mostly because both Heine and Inaluna don't have Flash Drives for some reason. By the way, I can grind because like in the second game, I can take on simple side quests that involve clearing the battle field of enemies.
    Bravely second...
    The courage to try again...
    Twitter: BerryEggs
  • edited October 2011
    Oct. 13
    I've made a fair bit of progress. I'm currently on chapter 10 and have spent 15 hours on the game.
    A number of new characters joined. It's been pretty much one per chapter. Also, it seems that there's two characters per element, except for neutral and Silver. Also, for every element there is one Physical-based character and one Magical-based. There has also so far been a pattern of one male elemental knight, and female. Despite what you may assume, it's not necessarily that the girls are Magic-based and the boys are Physical-based. While this holds true for the Nature and Wind Knights, Ashley is Physical-based while the new Dark user, Yuu, is a boy and has very high Magic. I don't know if I'll be getting any non-magic knight characters as I haven't gotten a single one yet.
    Many of these newer characters' backgrounds are potentially spoilerific, so I won't go into too much detail on them.
    Sara is the second Nature Knight. Being a Magic-based one, she could rightfully be called a witch. Her class is Pandora and she attacks with bombs (I assume that either she carries an infinite supply of them, or she has special bombs that aren't destroyed when they blow up :P). She has a thing for Jack o' Lanterns, as the rug in her room have them printed on it, her hat has one stuck in the middle of it, and her Flash Drive has her summon a cackling Jack o' Lantern that breathes fire. O_o It is amusing how appropriate it is considering the time of year. She's either younger than most of them, or just looks it and may be a sarcastic sort, if her facial expressions are anything to go by. I can't be sure, though. She often hangs around Yuu, possibly because they're the same age (or height). She didn't seem to like the idea of joining the party at fist, for some reason.
    Sion is the first wind knight, Magic-based. Like the previous two games' Wind users, she is a flying unit. Her class is Venus and she uses a bow. Like Sadie, she's a Fragile Speedster, but she isn't able to dish out as much damage as Sadie could. She is a kind-hearted soft spoken girl . . . and I don't think I can say more about her, partially because of spoilers and partially because I'm not certain what the full story behind her is. :P
    Yuu, as mentioned before is the male-Magic-based dark knight. His class is Grimoire (not really a mythology-based name. Grimoires really exist, but the spells in them don't) and his weapon looks like a stone tablet. :P. As I stated before, his magic stat is incredibly high, possibly the highest so far. Yuu either is or looks 13/14-years old. He's the designated Cute Shotaro Boy, and the female NPCs think he's adorable, especially Ashley's trio of friends/groupies. This seems to annoy him. He has a habit of taking out a notebook and writing stuff in it.
    The latest character to join is named Dino (pronouced like the Flintstones' pet), the male-Physical-based wind knight. His weapons look like twin long knives, possibly dirks or kodachi, and his class is Fenrir. Despite being a wind user, he cannot fly. He is incredibly fast, and has the highest AO so far. His Attack stat is also nothing to sneeze at. He knows Ashley, though how is something of a spoiler (at least if I fully understand it). He's stoi , and the type to likely be popular with the fangirls. They'd probably be shipping him with the rest of the male cast, too. Considering that Refi has two or three gay options in this game (the ending is determined by which character he's closest too, female or male), it's one of the rare times when I can't roll my eyes at the antics of yaoi fangirls (or I should say, 'wouldn't be able to roll my eyes' seeing as this game doesn't have much of an American fanbase for obvious reasons). By the way, his theme music is awesome!
    I still can't comment much on the story, though I really wish I knew just what the heck was up with that white and yellow mushroom in chapter 7. The same chapter also has a surprise boss. Also accompanying that boss are Kopins! About time I say! I was a bit sad that there didn't seem to be anything like the 'Life With Kopin'/'I, Kopin' scenes from the first two games. While not quite the same, a Nature/Ki Kopin talks to Refi once in a while.
    Sadly, not being able to understand the story and dialogue not only takes away from the actual plot, but also the writing/localization. While neither of the first two games were pinnacles of story-telling, both at least had great localizations and witty, humorous dialogue. While I can try to get a feel for humor through the voice tones, usage of facial expressions and sound effects, it's not the same.
    Battles are still quite fun. I've neglected to mention this before, but now characters will gain experience for damaging an enemy, even if said enemy isn't killed. It will usually only award 1-3 EXP, but attacking bosses can give as much as 7. It's certainly better than before. Also, many maps both during the main story and quests have chests or barrels that have to be hit multiple times to get what's inside. They usually contain Lapis. Speaking of Lapis, each character has their own Elemental Lapistier someone on their outfit or body. Also interesting are how many more characters can learn healing spells. The first second only had Pip and Luna, with Dia learning a Status clearing spell and Althea learning a full revive spell. Here, Elulu, Sion, and Sara can all learn HP-restoring spells.
    I still want to know what was the deal with that mushroom...
    Bravely second...
    The courage to try again...
    Twitter: BerryEggs
  • edited October 2011
    Oct. 18
    I've spent about 26 hours so far, and am up to chapter 14. Most of my characters are level 22, with some at 23. Quite a bit has happened, though I'm not at all clear on the details. There was what I assume to be a cute breather chapter with the characters going...camping? Something like that. Then the sheep hit the floor afterwards with the Felicia causing a ruckus, and really serious stuff. We even killed off a majorish villain. I thought Bonaparte would be joining are party, sort of like Josie in the second game, but he managed to get away after being captured. For some reason, Elulu has been getting ill and collapsing all over the place. I don't think I can say much else that isn't either a) a spoiler or b) I'm not sure what just happened 'cause I can't read or understand the story much.I can say that there were no new party members in these last few chapters I know there are more, so I guess they're joining later.
    Battles aren't as hard as they used to be. I seem to be spending more time grinding for money than I am levels, which is also keeping me at decent enough levels to go through the game. They're still fun, though. In the last battle, though, I was forced to take down the boss before finishing off all his Felicia. There were two battles in that chapter, and I really didn't want to go through both of them again. I hate it when I have to do that. All that EXP lost...
    The bathhouse thing works differently than I thought. While one in a while, Refi will bathe with one of the guys, he'll just overhear one of the girls on the other side through a grate of some sort. You have to guess which girl it is. If you guess wrong, Refi will shortly get out of the bath and said girl will somehow find out and get mad at him. If you guess right, you'll view a short scene with the girl talking to herself in the bathe, either wearing a towel or being completely submerged, except for her head. I'm not sure what these do, aside from perhaps providing a smidge of character development, and obviously fanserivce.
    I also discovered that there's only a number of things Refi can do each night before the end of a chapter (after the chapter's battle(s). He gets three hourglasses at a time. Various actions cost one or two hourglasses, though it seems only After Breaks that raise FP cost two glasses (these are shown as two'!!' over the character's head). There are minor After Breaks that cost only one, but these don't raise FP. Also at night, you can chat with one of the NPs to learn a little about, costing one glass. You can also raise Refi's stas through ways, such as the special bath I mentioned much earlier. Going to the training hall can raise Refi's Attack, Speed, and (I think) Tec (accuracy) depending on which teacher he trains with there. He can also go to the nurses office to take a nap and raise his Resistance, though what the nurse does to him is a mystery. These all cost one '!' a piece.
    Also, if you've played the first two game and weren't particularly fond of boss characters that liked to fight you multiple times regardless of how badly you kicked the around (Vanessa, Priel, Fatima, Bharva), you may be disappointed to hear that this game also has that. At least one of said bosses won't be coming back (anything soon anyway).
    Bravely second...
    The courage to try again...
    Twitter: BerryEggs
  • edited October 2011
    Oct. 22
    I'm on chapter 16, having spent 36 hours. A lot of interesting things happened. I don't think I should go into too much details, partially for spoilers sake, and also because these updates are kind of long. Though hey, if you like them that long, tell me. What basically happened is that there's more than just Felicia to worry about, and two of my party member are no longer in the party for two different reasons. I also have two more new characters, but they're both pretty spoilerific. I can say that one of them is the physical water user (despite my prediction, she is a female) and a magical fire user. I can also add that the physical water user always looks bored/sleepy/stoned.
    I seems to be doing a lot more money grinding than I did in either of the other games. There is always new equipment every chapter, and I'm getting more characters (for now) so it's getting quite expensive. It's a bit annoying now since for some reason, I can only access one side quest (I guess it's some effect from current events). I beat it some four times to get all the money I needed.
    Also, thanks to my sister's boyfriend (he's an international student from Taiwan), I can at least partially understand most of the Lapis. I'm not going to make him read the whole game for me of course (and he can't read Katakana/Hiragana anyway), but it helps when I need to tell the difference between a Lapis that raises light magic from one that blocks light (I am at least able to see which kanji are for the elements).
    This game seems to be better about the whole 'fight the same boss characters several times' thing. So far, Bonaparte has only fought me three times, and it doesn't look like he'll be fighting me again. One of the bosses fought me three times, and seems to be dead. The second only fought me twice, and it also looks like she won't be fighting me again. It's certainly better than the four times Vanessa and Fatima challenged you to.
    So yeah, more characters are fun. The physical water user is certainly an odd duck, though she's funny in that way. Even when things get serious, they can't get too serious in the Luminous Arc games.
    Bravely second...
    The courage to try again...
    Twitter: BerryEggs
  • edited October 2011
    October 26
    I'm on chapter 18 now, and have spent 42 hours on the game. Much of that, once again, comes from money grinding. I'm still in the middle of beating various side quests for Rico.
    One of the two party member who left has rejoined. The other, well, I'm not certain if s/he will ever come back, to be frank. I have also gained Ashley's Zodiac Card. What this essentially means is that by gaining to highest affinity with a character by chapter 17, Refi gets the ability to team up with one character for a powerful attack. They need to be standing near each other (I'm not certain if it's necessarily next to each other or not yet) and either both need at least 1 DP bar filled, or just Refi needs it (I need to test this). I was going for Ashley the entire game, though for various reasons I felt a bit guilty about not choosing Elulu. Odd I know since I complained about her lacking much of a personality, and I still feel that way about her.
    Aside from that, Refi underwent a story-related class change. I don't think that's a spoiler since both Alph and Roland did the same. His class is now Ragnorok and his element is Silver. His sword now looks like a PSO saber instead of a big piece of pastel-colored Plexiglas. The boss of chapter 16 was fun, too.
    I have noticed that all of the characters use a stock phrase that involves their element and what sounds like 'raksio' or 'ruksio.' Elulu says 'mizu no raksio,' Sara says 'ki no raksio,' Yu says 'yami no raksio, and so on. While I don't know exactly what 'raksio/ruksio/whatever' means, I think it's similar to the element-related battle exclamations in Luminous Arc 2. 'Light gather,' 'behold the power of fire,' 'this is the power of darkness,' 'I'm conting on you, water' 'I'll blow you away,' etc. If I'm right, then kudos to Atlus for changing up the translations so they aren't so repetitive.
    Bravely second...
    The courage to try again...
    Twitter: BerryEggs
  • edited October 2011
    I was wondering if you're spending all your game time trying to read Japanese text. I read Japanese text much slower than English. That's why my Half Minute Hero 2 playtime is around 30 hours and I'm only 2/3 of the way through.
  • edited November 2011
    No, that's not the reason. I can't read a lick of Japanese, so I'm just letting the game dialouge flow on auto so I can watch the characters' expressions and sprite movements. Rather, it's because I spend ridiculous amounts of time grinding for money in order to buy all the equipment available each chapter.
    Nov. 5
    I'm currently on chapter 24, having spent about 56 hours so far. I'm nearing the end, as the game is 25 chapter long, if I have my facts straight. I'm a bit startled that my characters may only be around level 40 by the time I finish. In the past two game, they were in their mid 60s. I believe it's because on New Game+, enemies are harder regardless of the difficulty, though they don't get progressively harder after a third time through and such. I did stumble upon what seems to be LA3's equivalent of the Hot Springs battles in LA2, but the boss is level 40. I think I'll hold off on that for a while, if I even get to it on this playthrough.
    One major thing I've been wrong about this whole time: Getting a character's zodiac card does not mean you get that character's ending, or that you can only get one card per game. It's quite possible to get multiple cards. It seems that before the last battle in the last chapter, you have to talk to one of the characters you have a zodiac card with. That person is the one whose ending you get. I not only have Ashley's card, but Yu's and Eululu's as well.
    As for Unison strikes, which are performed with the preson Refi has a zodiac card with, I now see they do not require DP. However, Refi must be standing right next to the character in order to use it. It can be especially tricky with a character who has a lower AO stat than Refi, like Yu.
    Again, I find myself feeling sorry for Heine. What is he saying that warrants getting whipped by Inaluna and threatened with a knife by Dino? Would I feel this sorry about Nikolai and Kaph if I had no clue what they were saying? Though Nikolai got hearts in his eyes frequently, and Kaph got that creepy reflecting glasses look. Regardless, Heine seems to be a nice enough fellow. Though I can perhaps guess the reason for Inaluna's outburst.
    Remember what I said about Inaluna and Heine seeing close? D'aaawww...Now I'm going to feel guilty about going for an Inaluna ending (and Heine ending?).

    One las thing I'll talk about is how every character in this game can be useful battle-wise. In the first game you have Mavi. Despite being the Nature Witch and having high attack power, most of her damaging spells were based on her low magic stat, making her largely useless if you needed to deal Nature damage. Nikolai was almost useless, though he learned many buffing spells. The second game had the utterly useless Kaph. Sadly, Rina became less useful later in the game when her Tech stat stopped rising as much as it used to, and Karen outclasses her in every way. Not in this game. Everyone one of the playable characters has their use, especially due to the split between physical elements user and magical element users.
    Bravely second...
    The courage to try again...
    Twitter: BerryEggs
  • edited November 2011
    Nov. 11
    The last boss keep kicking my butt six ways to Sunday. I'll have to match my team's level with it's last form's level (50, 45 wasn't enough) and hope that enough to withstand it'sridiculouslyy powerful Flash Drive and it's monster minion with high AO. Thankfully, I have a Lapis that give 40% more EXP for some relatively fast grinding. It goes faster when I solo one of the earlier quests, as every defeated enemy give a minimum of 10 EXP.
    By the way, there isn't 25 chapters, but 26, though it's not numbered, so it's probably called something like 'last chapter,' 'end game,' 'finale' or there abouts.
    Bravely second...
    The courage to try again...
    Twitter: BerryEggs
  • edited November 2011
    Nov 14
    Well, I finally beat the game. I didn't have to grind as much as I thought. Instead I used a strategy RPG. Imagine that. :P It's a tricky fight for sure, and one thing to keep in mind is not to bother to try and defeat all of the minion monsters that surround the last boss's third form. Instead, I had to carefully save up FP from the the earlier round, then position everyone so that they are near where the boss appears in its last form. They had to be spread out, too, as this thing is incredibly powerful, and if they're all grouped together, it can take them out with one Flash Drive.
    I won't go into my overall thoughts too much as I am very likely to write that review...though I'll have to think on how to go about it, especially with the story. I think it's a pretty good game, and it's a shame it has never been localized. The battle system show many improvements from the second game, and even though I couldn't completely connect to the character due to the language barrier, they are a likable bunch. If there's one thing the LA games does well, it's having a cast of likable, quirky characters. All the more reason I wish I could understand what the heck they're saying....*sigh* Hard to say if non-fans will like this game or not.
    Bravely second...
    The courage to try again...
    Twitter: BerryEggs
  • edited December 2011
    The Staff/Import Review is now up, so I'm closing this thread. Any comments or discussion can go in the review thread here:
    Bravely second...
    The courage to try again...
    Twitter: BerryEggs

Luminous Arc 3 English Patch Download

English Patch info: Version: v0.9 Release Date: July 12, 2017. Luminous Arc 2 DS rom. PS2 Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly PS2 ISO. PS3 Devil May Cry 4 (EUR) ISO PS3.

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