Docker Quickstart Terminal Window For Mac…

  1. Microsoft Windows For Mac Apple
  2. Docker Quickstart Terminal Mac

In the first part of this series – basic concepts and installation, we introduced the basic concepts of containers and how to install docker engine on Ubuntu (Linux) to develop containerized references
This article describes how to install and use docker on Windows system. Here, we mainly introduce how to install and use docker desktop on Windows 10. For versions below Windows 10, you can use docker toolbox, which will not be introduced here

It uses Windows’ own command window – which is pretty limited. As I explored in Command Line Replacement For Windows, there are alternatives. To be able to interact with Docker Toolbox in these alternative command line tools, you can create a simple batch file that drops you into the same Docker shell as the “Docker Quickstart Terminal”. # Docker Installation. Docker (opens new window) is a quick and simple way to download and start automating with n8n. By using Docker you are able to: Install to a pristine environment; Easily install and run the your preferred database with n8n; Enjoy a quick and simplified installation experience regardless of your OS # Prerequisites. On your Desktop, find the Docker QuickStart Terminal icon. Click the Docker QuickStart icon to launch a pre-configured Docker Toolbox terminal. If the system displays a User Account Control prompt to allow VirtualBox to make changes to your computer. The terminal does several things to set up Docker Toolbox for you. Docker Desktop is an application for MacOS and Windows machines for the building and sharing of containerized applications and microservices. Docker Desktop delivers the speed, choice and security you need for designing and delivering containerized applications on your desktop. Docker Desktop includes Docker App, developer tools, Kubernetes. Dec 05, 2020 Docker for Mac / Docker for Windows (Docker Desktop) Pros. Offers the most “native” experience, you can easily use any terminal you you want since Docker is effectively running on localhost from macOS / Windows’ POV. Docker is heavily developing and polishing this solution.

Install docker desktop

Microsoft Windows For Mac Apple

Docker desktop – the fast way to container applications on your desktop, which is the official definition of docker. Docker desktop provides a desktop container development environment for windows and MAC. On Windows 10, docker desktop uses the Hyper-V virtualization technology of windows, so you need a computer with hardware virtualization turned on and installed with windows 10 professional version of the system, also need to open Hyper-V function, how to open Hyper-V on Windows 10, refer to here

A kind of Supplement_ : docker desktop supports windows 10 64 bit: professional, enterprise, education (build 15063 or above)

First, download the installation package of docker desktop on the windows system that meets the requirements-… The installation process is simple. You can double-click the downloaded installation directly, and you will be more prompted to install. At the beginning, we choose to use the Linux container (later we can change to use the windows container, and we will write a separate article to introduce the use of the windows container). During the installation process, the installation program will check whether the system meets the requirements. If not, the, Setup will report an error and end the installation

After installation, openstartMenu and selectDocker DesktopStart

Docker quickstart terminal window for mac computer

Check the docker icon on the status bar, which will be displayed at the beginningstartingLoad, wait until the displayDocker Desktop is runningYou can use docker’s commands through terminals (such as powershield). Next, we will use windows 10’s PowerShell as the terminal for operation

Building and running containers

We will use a simple node application to illustrate how to build a container image and start a container on windows. First, we need to download the code base to our environment. Here we can clone the code base using git or download the code package directly

On windows, you can use git for windows or WSL of windows 10 to install an Ubuntu subsystem, and then install git in the terminal of the Ubuntu subsystem, and directly use git to clone the code. Here, I use the clone code library in the terminal of the Ubuntu subsystem to the local directory

As shown in the figure above, we cloned the code into theD:gitreposhellonodeDirectory, then switch to the PowerShell terminal and enter the directory. Open it with your favorite text editorhellonodeDockerfile(vs code is used when recommending. The content is as follows

Building a mirror image

Using this simple dockerfile to build the node application of the example, execute the following command in the PowerShell

As shown in the following figure, you will see the container image that is built

Run container


Then we use the built image to start an application container and execute the following command in the PowerShell

Docker Quickstart Terminal Mac

So we start a container and use itdocker contianer lsTo view the current container status, we can also use the docker desktop dashboard to view the container status graphically and perform some operations. To open the dashboard, click the docker desktop icon in the status bar and selectDashboardOpen, as shown in the following figure

On the dashboard, we can view container related information by UI operation, such as viewing container log, stopping / starting / restarting container, and entering container cli

When we run the container, we use the-p 3000:3000The 3000 port of container application is mapped to the local 3000 port, so we can directly access the local 3000 port to access the application

After that, we can use the following command to stop and delete the container

Push image to docker hub

If you need to push the built image to the docker hub, first log in to your docker hub account, click the docker desktop icon in the status bar, and selectSign in/Create Docker ID.., open the login window to log in

Then we execute it in PowerShell

This will push the image to your warehouse on the docker hub


Here is a brief introduction to how to use docker desktop to develop container applications on Windows 10. Docker desktop provides a good docker containerization tool for Windows users. In addition to using docker engine, docker Desktop also provides kubenetes function, can run a stand-alone k8s environment on windows, more information can read the official documents

Although docker desktop provides a visual management tool for windows, I still recommend using docker engine directly on Linux desktop. In Linux environment, if you want a UI management tool, I recommend using portal, a web-based container management tool

Dinesh Perera Follow

Mar 20, 2019

Note:this tutorial makes the assumption that you have a familiarity with the command line and similar technologies.

If you’re like me and you’re taking an advanced programming class at university where you’re learning about “Big Data”, you’re probably being told to do it via the cloudera quickstart virtual machine.

Now, personally, I am going to choose Docker container and you can refer below official link for Docker basics command.

That’s where Docker comes in. If you haven’t heard about Docker, its a long explanation to go through, but for our purposes right now, it lets us virtualize Cloudera’s suite of apps without having to run an entire VM

Step 1 — Install Docker

Installing docker is pretty easy. If you’re on Mac, download the Docker for Mac installer from here. If you’re on Windows, get it from here. On Linux? here you go.

On Mac, and I’m assuming on Windows, Docker alone takes up around 2GB, with the Quickstart container taking around 6GB. Make Sure you have adequate free space.

Step 2 — Change docker’s settings

Docker defaults to using 2GB of your systems memory. You can get away with this for stuff like Hadoops MapReduce, but it will be slow. Additionally, Hive, which is Hadoop’s implementation of this SQL like query syntax, will not work either. The bare minimum you should use is 4GB, although if you can spare it, go with 8GB. Personally my laptop only has 8GB, so I allocate 4GB to docker when its running.

Step 3 — Download Cloudera’s QuickStart Docker Container

Make sure Docker is running, and type this into your terminal (in your home directory).

docker pull cloudera/quickstart:latest

This will take a while to complete, because it’s a fairly large filesize. Once that is done, type docker images.

You should see something that says cloudera/quickstart. For the rest of this tutorial, we will assume that this is the name of your image, if it is something else, replace cloudera/quickstart with the actual name of your image.

Step 4 — Run Super Man , Run

Ok, now the cloudera website doesn’t do the best job of explaining what exactly you need to do to run it, so I’m going to try my best.

So the code I use to run it is this (in your home directory, once more);

docker run --hostname=quickstart.cloudera --privileged=true -t -i -v --publish-all=true -p 8888 cloudera/quickstart /usr/bin/docker-quickstart

Essentially, what this is doing is telling docker to run an image with the hostname of quickstart.cloudera in priveliged mode, which is required for HBase, -t -i means to open it in the terminal, -v allows me to share volumes with the container, You're going to want to change this to the directory of your files. --publish-all=true opens up all the host ports to the docker ports, so you can access stuff like the cloudera manager and Hue, etc.

You probably don’t want to type out that whole thing every-time you want to run the quickstart container

If all went well, you should be up and running with all the Hadoop services that you need, running inside a terminal window in your computer.

Update: Getting hue to work!

I am try figured out how to get access to the Hue web app. Fear not if the container informs you that starting hue [FAILED] , because it would have actually worked. To verify that it has started, run the command service hue start in the quickstart container.

1. Run sudo docker ps , and copy the docker container’s ID.

2. Run docker inspect [CONTAINER ID] , where [CONTAINER ID] is the ID you copied in step 1.


3. Scroll up and look for the code block looks like;


'NetworkSettings': {


'Ports': {

'8888/tcp': [








Now, navigate to a browser and type in your host ip and host port, so using the port from my example, I would have to navigate to , however, replace this with the HostIp and HostPort values that appear on your terminal. If all went well, you should be able to access hue with the login/password combo of cloudera/cloudera.

Note: In testing this, we used a machine that had 8GB of RAM allocated to Docker, so keep that in mind.

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